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2003-07-18 @ 6:18 p.m.

Somewhere between sweetness and senselessness i lie

So frightened to commit to either side,

That i relentlessly search for that kind middle ground

While making countless mistakes being made along the way

Like bridges going up in flames as i cross

Despite my attempts to stop them

(Do you have any idea what it's like being forced to watch them burn?)

And along my journey i leave a trail of broken hearts

Mingling with tears and pieces of me i care to leave behind

Every time i say it's the last time

The last time i'll make a careless error

The last time i'll carve another mark in my wrist

Those scars that list my failures

But i know that will never happen,

For i've got much more skin to cover

All i can do is continue through the highest highs and lowest lows

And try not to look back

Because if i do, i know i'll become a helpless pillar of salt

Being carried away grain by grain

In the winds of regret

No, i can't let that happen again

I have to keep going

Bleeding but still breathing

Looking for the happiness i was once promised

And the one person who's body fits with mine

Like pieces of a puzzle

Yeah i'll keep going,

Though i may have to go through the whole box to find them

And when bliss is finally reached,

The demons and tears and broken hearts won't matter

This must be kept in mind while the greatest tragedies are endured-

Oh how it will be worth it

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.Past. Entries.
.some.kind.of.anthem. - 2003-11-25
.time.to.move.on - 2003-10-21
.beauty.is.only.skin.deep?. - 2003-09-28
.quand.vous.avez.une.bousculade.sur.un.ami. - 2003-09-24
.from.heartbroken.to.heartbreaker. - 2003-09-15