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2003-07-03 @ 1:17 a.m.

The stars of the ground flicker

As the sun begins to set in the east

Sewing the sky in luck's brilliant sparkles

And yet...

I still don't know how to acknowledge this feeling

Despite being in the most beautiful place

Surrounded by the most beautiful people

Enjoying the most beautiful laughter

Because for me,

Happiness has always been a passing acquaintence

Contentment, a mere colleague

How do i cope with them wanting to stay a while?

So i frantically check my books, read my notes

And even consult my wrist's mending wounds

In hopes for a hint

Some kind of clue

All they can tell me is that this is the new everything

The past is whatever and should be forgotten

So accept it, embrace it

It's okay to feel okay

But is it really okay?

I recall my past love affairs with tragedy

So familiar, so habitual

Sadness played with my limbs like a puppet

And i gratified every moment, every movement

With as much pleasure as a pasted smile can allow

But then angels came with scissors and cut me free

I fell suddenly into the arms of everything i should be

Wide eyed and confused i awoke half conscious

In an amazing world of fantasy

Where i could love and be loved

And be content without guilt tugging at my heart

Tell me, should i sit back and admire

The bliss that has been handed to me

Laced with ribbons of hope and glimmers of truth?

Do i bask in the new summer's hot glow?

(And do i deserve it?)

Or shall i return to my winters filled with frozen tears

And a frozen heart?

That's where my home is anyway

Well i'd be lying if i said there were never days i wish hadn't come

But as ones arrive that i wish that would

I get the feeling i should hold on to them

Cherish each as a precious star that has been given to me

For they may burn out someday

Become a distant memory

So i've decided, i'll give happiness a shot

Sadness may be what i know

And there are times i doubt this world is real

But if every day could be, feel and look like this...

That may be something worth getting used to.

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.Past. Entries.
.some.kind.of.anthem. - 2003-11-25
.time.to.move.on - 2003-10-21
.beauty.is.only.skin.deep?. - 2003-09-28
.quand.vous.avez.une.bousculade.sur.un.ami. - 2003-09-24
.from.heartbroken.to.heartbreaker. - 2003-09-15