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2003-06-24 @ 11:53 p.m.

I remember crawling into your shadows to keep warm and safe

You always knew how to orchestrate your movements just right

But one day your shadows began to fade

As the dawn of veracity painted our bodies in gold

Illustrating what was really there in front of me-

A beautiful world made of glass hopes and plastic promises

Somehow everything becoming fabricated before my eyes

And time slid through my hands like grains of sand

Until i was enveloped knee deep in my own defiance

Days and nights spent in refusal collected like a springtime puddle

And i was unwilling to admit there was something wrong between you and i

So if denial is a river in Egypt, i deserve to drown

And to be swallowed whole by the angry rapids of my mistakes and my dishonesty with you

Yet your silence is just as distressing and devastating

I guess you knew that when you sewed your lips shut with tears

And stuffed your memories in a shoebox under your bed

Our laughter, our smiles, our plans, my failure

Now have 12 by 6 inches to live, and to be looked at during a weak moment

You know i've done the same

So i suppose this is how things will remain

While you drown your feelings in cheap whiskey and her sympathetic arms

I sleep fitfully with a ghost

The muted air heavy with emptiness and lonliness

My covers stained with the sapphire blood pouring from my wrists

Breathing has never been such a cruel task (for i need lessons)

But i guess this is what i deserve

And while there is nothing i can say to heal the wounds left by my mistakes

Know that i struggle in our seperation too, scared and alone

As we face our own paths not drawn out in advance

I pray the stars light up the way for you

Because i'll always love you.

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.Past. Entries.
.some.kind.of.anthem. - 2003-11-25
.time.to.move.on - 2003-10-21
.beauty.is.only.skin.deep?. - 2003-09-28
.quand.vous.avez.une.bousculade.sur.un.ami. - 2003-09-24
.from.heartbroken.to.heartbreaker. - 2003-09-15