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2003-06-23 @ 2:59 a.m.

Lately storms have been keeping me awake at night

Gales of betrayal sway the ghost-like curtains

Rainfalls beat against the windows and ceiling as my tears fall on your behalf

Soaking the mine covered ground

And thunder echoes like your carefully orchestrated insults

Between brilliant strikes of lightning that blind me from who you really are

You have made a mess of my sky for too long

But this meteorologist is predicting a new weather pattern

The stars are going to come from behind your black clouds

And their beauty is going to outshine the malevolence

You've painted my heavens with

Because even though you've made a hurricane out of my life

The warm sun always beats back the tempestuous weather.

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.Past. Entries.
.some.kind.of.anthem. - 2003-11-25
.time.to.move.on - 2003-10-21
.beauty.is.only.skin.deep?. - 2003-09-28
.quand.vous.avez.une.bousculade.sur.un.ami. - 2003-09-24
.from.heartbroken.to.heartbreaker. - 2003-09-15