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2003-06-17 @ 1:33 a.m.

Wet feet on a Wednesday

Too afraid to relinquish

To the beauty that encircles us both

The darling buds of May cast their white petals

And fall like snow, like stars upon our blessed heads

Perfect splendor, i do not deserve you

For hearts are too fragile these days

And yours is far too miraculous to touch

Especially with my dirty, liscentous hands

Taken aback on a Thursday

By charisma filled embraces (soft skin, soft touches)

And intoxicating dialect

Which waltzes through the ambient air

A saccharine haze of all the things you've said

Propelling through my body as i breathe in

You're too passionate for my conscience to tell me to stop

To tell me to reasses the circumstances

Thus i drown in your endless grace

Succumbed on a Saturday

To your irresistible enchantment

I had told myself i wasn't prepared

For such an impossible dream, a realm of fantasy

Since i was knee deep in an ocean of doubt

Waves of skepticism crashing to the beat of my wounded heart

Soaking into each suspicious pore

I never thanked you for drying me off

Your kindness made a wonderful towel

Maybe on a Monday

I'll finally be able to let go of the past

And untie the ribbons of former cataclysms

That have a chokehold on my memory

With your soft hand in mine we'll walk away from here

Away from the devastation of broken promises once made

And with your faith in me as a crutch i'll take my few first steps

As a soul reborn, a bitter wreck restored

I may be as clumsy as a child, frightened as a wounded bird

But don't forget, it was you who made me try

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.Past. Entries.
.some.kind.of.anthem. - 2003-11-25
.time.to.move.on - 2003-10-21
.beauty.is.only.skin.deep?. - 2003-09-28
.quand.vous.avez.une.bousculade.sur.un.ami. - 2003-09-24
.from.heartbroken.to.heartbreaker. - 2003-09-15